Tag Archives: Sunday afternoon


New Mexico enchiladas, conversation with a good friend and a three-hour nap.  Who could ask for more?  When you write your senator about those important things like budget and stimulus, don’t forget to throw in the request for two Sunday afternoons a week.  I hope your week is good. dsc00844

Someday I will learn the mind of a blog.  Meantime, read the pictures from right to left, then tilt your head slightly to the left to see the picture of the beautiful cook with the fantastic New Mexico Enchilada.  Happy eating and joyous living to you.

   dsc00842dsc008431dsc00845Happy eating. 

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Filed under Sunday afternoon


I love Sunday afternoon.  I’m thinking about writing the president and asking him for two Sunday afternoons per week.  What would that do to the economy? 

Seriously, I don’t plan to, for the most part, make this a political blog.  I hope to use the scriptures for the day as a jump off point for discussion.

In John 15, Jesus talks about abiding in His love.  Then He says why we should do that, “that your joy may be full.”  Abide means to endure, but it seems like there is more.  Abide in my mind is connected to steadfastness, firmness.  I think of two people I connect with this word.  I live with both of them.  That’s the burden I have to bear.  I am up and down, over here, over there, crying, laughing, all over the map.  They are steadfast, firm, unruffled,though I probably ruffle them once in a while. 


I love the song, “Abide With Me.”  However, I think this reminder is for us, not for God.   If we have allowed Him to take residence in our lives, he does abide with us.  There’s another song, “colorado-yosemite-0291Constantly Abiding.”  I want to constantly abide in Him so my joy may be full.

If you abide, maybe you can make biscuits when you’re 93 (93? I can’t make them now!)–or live with a flip-flopper like me when you’re 63. 

Ebenezer has reached new heights–the half dome of Yosemite.  See the new cover  on Amazon, Barnes and Noble or ask for it at your local bookstore.  This non-scrooge is getting varied reviews.  A friend passes them out to hospice patients and their families.  They read it while they wait for the inevitable.  Other friends read it to their kids at bedtime.  But try reading just one at a time.  One says you can’t do it, kind of like eating Cheeteos, she says.  dsc00802

This kid is marking in his Ebenezer.  Of course, I am totally objective when it comes to this eight-year-old. 

Please join in on my blog.  Please be kind. 

Love, Marty

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Dear Ones.  Happy Lord’s Day.  I’m trying to learn this new toy Danny got me.  So, don’t expect anything too profound tonight.

We did have a great Sunday with friends and beautiful weather and cream pie made by the one-and-only Georgia Lou.

Now I am going to try to add a picture.  But you’ll have to take what you can get this time (so what’s different from any other time?)  Maybe one day I’ll learn about all the bells and whistles.

I welcome your comments and I hope I can find them.

Now for the picture. This is in honor of my sister, Jo, who has mega snow in Ohio.

Silver Falls Oregon

Silver Falls Oregon


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