About Me

As a child of God, wife of David, daughter of Georgia Lou, mother of Jenny and Judy, grandma of five smart and spunky grandkids (Abraham, Anna, Aili, Sadie and Tristen), sibling to Jodie and Pete, I keep busy. But please don’t ask me to give an accounting. God will do that one day.

I’m in a new chapter of my writing. I had a long dry spell after a little success. God has used the Oregon Christian Writers’ Conferences to veer me in a new direction. I’m back to articles and devotions. No more books for now.

The life-giving Word of God was taught to me from early childhood. I sat with my mother at a long table at the “pink house” in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She drilled me on memory verses and rewarded me with chocolate chips and raisins. As a teen, I was further taught by my pastor, J. Curtis Goldman; and a youth director, Waudell Maple, who nudged us to memorize Romans 8. This is now my favorite chapter in the Bible. I can rest my head on my pillow, knowing there is, “no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus.”

A love for the Word of God is not enough. With this Book, the reader must know the Author personally.

I was a church member several years before I understood about a relationship with Jesus. For years, I chanted over and over, “Lord, save me, Amen” as though I were reciting “now I lay me down to sleep.” At age 16, I knelt beside my bed and asked Jesus to come into my life.

The scriptures I’d learned as a child came alive to me. I’ve questioned much through the years, but never since that day 53 years ago have I doubted the redemptive work of God in my life.

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