Tag Archives: devotions


Here is a story from Ebenezer and Ninety-Eight Friends.  In case it’s not still today when you read this, my comments refer to John 10:27-30.    




            “You’ll have to put the sheep in the pen tonight, Marty, since Judy is sick.”

            I had come to stay with my cousin’s family on the farm to get away from the big city school in Albuquerque, but had not taken an active interest in the workings of the farm.  This was a new and frightening experience for me.

            I took my time getting down the hill to the pasture, hoping all the sheep would be resting in the fold, ready for their night’s sleep.  That didn’t happen.  They seemed as aimless as I was.  I had no plan, no clue what to do next.

            There were about fifty sheep.  They grazed on the pasture east of the house.   We had a little pen close to the house because neighborhood dogs sometimes ran in a pack and would kill them at night.  Therefore, penning the sheep every evening was a chore someone had to do. 

            I tried to visualize what I’d seen my cousin do night after night as I watched from the kitchen window. 

            I made a big circle behind them way out in the field and then headed them up toward the house.  Everything was going just fine.  The main body of them went into the pen.  But two of them somehow got spooked and ran back out.   I followed them to drive them back in.  As soon as I got out of the gate area, the rest of the sheep followed the two rebels, and soon the flock was back out of the pen.

            I didn’t know Uncle Jay was standing at my post—the same kitchen window where I’d watched Judy pin those fifty dumb sheep in nothing flat.  He laughed until tears came to his eyes. 

            “You get out there and help her, Jay,” my aunt Rene scolded him.

            My uncle finally came to my rescue.  They later explained that I should have let all the sheep run out. I should back off, let them settle down, and then herd them back in. 

            From that day until the day he died, Uncle Jay fondly called me his little sheepherder.  We got lots of laughs and were able to add another story to the family legacy. 

            But let’s face it—I’m no sheepherder.  Those sheep would not want me as their shepherd.  In John 10:27, Jesus says, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”  These sheep didn’t want to follow me because, ignorant as they were, they sensed I didn’t know them.

Jesus refers to us as sheep.   Sheep are not very smart.  They need to be told what to do.  Sheep need a shepherd—but not just any shepherd, a shepherd who knows what His sheep need, a Shepherd who has a plan for His sheep, one who would give His life for those sheep. 

Who is your shepherd?  Is it a substitute, who may have good intentions, as I did with my uncle’s sheep, but who knows nothing about your needs, has no plan for your life and has no power to save you?  Or is it the Lord, who will lead you by quiet waters?


I thought we could have some fun and glean some understanding (or whatever one gleans) with this one.  So, help me out here:

*    If you have a comment on the Bible truth or application,let’s hear it. 

*    If you have a picture of a sheep or a herd of sheep, I want it on this blog.  Judy Gail, surely you have one picture left from all those sheep you and your mama and daddy had.  I must get to bed and don’t have a picture of a sheep at my fingertips and I hate to have a blog with no picture. 

*    If you have your own sheep story, I’d love to have it.   


Only two rules:

1.    No more than 400 words for each post.

2.    Be kind.


One more push for Ebenezer:  As most of you know, I have a new cover for my book.  I have a handful of the old covered ones.  I’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse (well, maybe).  Truly I’d love to get them to you.  Let me know if you have a good cause and I’ll make it an even more desirable price.  I have probably a dozen of these old books. 


If you want one of the attractive Yosemite covers, ask for it at your local store.  It will look great on your coffeetable.


I think I’m in the red on my 400 words!  G’nite. 



Filed under Ebenezer and Ninety-Eight Friends